Sudbury and District Beekeepers Association
Beekeepers Helping Beekeepers!
The Sudbury and District Beekeepers Association presents an evening with Yukon-based Etienne Tardiff of www.northof60beekeeping.com . Etienne successfully manages beekeeping operations in the Yukon Territories. ![]()
Date: Wednesday Nov 13, 7:00pm to 9:30pm (meet and greet 6:30pm)
Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School main Library
275 Loach’s Road Sudbury, ON P3E 2P8![]()
New and interested beekeepers are welcome to join us.
A site dedicated to learning how to successfully keep bees in Northern Climates. My YouTube Channel My goals are: To develop a better understanding of Beekeeping in Extreme Northern Climates (Yukon, N…
Have you medicated your bees yet? Whatβs your favourite way to wrap your hives up for winter? ![]()
Join us on Wednesday October 16th for a discussion about hive treatments, wrapping and winter preparations at the LoEllen Park Secondary School in the Library on the main floor. 6:30 pm Meet and Greet, 7:00pm meeting start π.![]()
The Sudbury and District Beekeepers welcome all new and experienced beekeepers to join the conversation, share their tips and tricks and generally have a great evening talking about beekeeping! ![]()
Photos: These two photos demonstrate two different ways to treat hives with Oxalic Acid. Oxalic Acid is used for the treatment against varroa mites and is typically used right before wrapping hives for winter. Otto Rost using a vaporizing device to treat his hive while Meghan Mitchell uses a solution of Oxalic Acid and sugar water to drizzle onto the bees. Which method do you prefer?πππ
As the weather gets cooler, beekeepers are switching gears! Ending the honey flow and thinking about treating hives for mites and when to wrap up for winter!![]()
Pictured here is the apiary at Science North where several members of the Sudbury and District Beekeepers Association have hives and volunteer their time to maintaining and caring for the bees in the apiary πππ.![]()
If you want to talk bees and learn more about beekeeping our first meeting of the fall season is coming up on September 18th! Keep an eye out for more details closer to the dateπππ!
My apologies for the confusion!!
Wednesday June 19th is the last spring meeting of the Sudbury and District Beekeepers Association!
πLoellen Park Secondary School in the library on the main floor! Meet and Greet will start at 6:30, with formal presentations starting at 7:00pm π.![]()
If you have your bees already, just starting out it or have an interest in beekeeping please join us!![]()
Quiz time! How many different life stages can you spot in the photo below? If you look carefully you can see the tiny white eggs, many larva of varying sizes (ages), pupa hiding under their wax cappings, and busy nurse bees taking care of all the brood!![]()
See you tonight!!!π